Produced by Lainie Love Dalby & the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy
80 Medicine Gems from Global Luminaries to ignite your homecoming, raise your vibration, shift your consciousness & transform your life!
We're in a massive accelerated portal of change & emergence now. I know you feel the pulse of it too, Beloved. Especially since Pluto (the planet of transformation, rebirth & power) just moved into Aquarius (the sign of higher consciousness, the visionary humanitarian, & revolutionary) for a 20 year transit in March 2023. In honor of this portal of rebirth & the arrival of the second edition of the best selling Sacred (R)evolution Oracle Deck, we gathered a potent group of over 55 Global Luminaries. They are Grammy award winning performance artists, Hay House Authors, Priestesses of the New Earth, Visionary CEOs, Medicine Elders, Alchemists, Healers, Dancing Mystic, epic Astrologers and so much more!
Each interpreted one of the 52 cards in the deck and brought their own unique medicine and gifts to the celebration! There are music performances, rituals, ceremonies, movement practices, teachings, channeled sessions, ecstatic embodiment, shamanic journeys & more! You don’t want to miss this incredible collection of medicine gems that will support you in igniting sacred (r)evolution and an ancient future consciousness shift! They are now available "on demand" with our LIFETIME Access Festival Pass! There's also the option to add on a year of community support too!
It's like a Multidimensional University filled with life-changing content worth over 3K for an investment of only $88!

Marla Renee Stewart
Sexologist & Sexual Strategist

Laura Hollick
Artist & Creatrix of Soul Art

Irma Starspirit Turtle Woman
Maya & Taino Medicine Woman

Tanya Paluso
Visionary CEO & Founder of Sistership Circle

Tami Brunk
Earth Sky Alchemist, Shamanic Astrologer

Maya Azucena
Artivist, Songstress & Grammy Award Winning Performing Artist

Rochelle Schieck
Founder of Qoya Inspired Movement

Ankhara Rose
Sacred Music Artist + Song Priestess

Lettie Sullivan
Priestess of the Sacred Arts & Bestselling Author

Toni Bergins
Creator of JourneyDance

Sedona Swan Soulfire
Ritual Embodiment Priestess

Marval Rex
Guerilla Ontologist, Trans Sephardic Jew & Predictive Astrologer

Krista Nelson
Nature Whisperer

Astara Jane Ashley
Founder of Flower of Life Press

Elayne Kalila Doughty
Founder, Dean of the School of Sacred Arts

Virginia Rosenberg
Intuitive Astrologer & Creatrix of Sky Scholar

Diana Dubrow
Scent Priestess

Mercedes Vasquez
Caliente Creatrix

Bogar Argon Carrillo
Alchemist, Scent Priest, Healer, Catalyst

Hemalayaa Behl
Transformational Embodiment Coach & Founder of EMBODY Costa Rica

Shereen Sun
Artist, Hay House Author, Creative Arts Facilitator

Seadar Green
Mystic & Founder of Crystal Focus Alchemy

Zahava Griss
Dancer, Rooted Eros Ritualist, Coach

Queen Auset-Heru
Priestess Of Ma'at

Aurora Farber
Feminine Leadership Mentor & Intuitive Guide

Lyndsey Scott

Anna Bazarnaya
Alchemist & Founder of Maitri Verde Aromatherapy

Erin Duffy-Burke
Catholic Priestess

Beth Osmer
Spiritual Empowerment Coach

Whitney Freya
Creatively Fit Coach

Liz Neves
Herbalist & Founder of Gathering Ground

Ali Montgomery
Coach and Priestess

Erika Santos
Mary Magdalene Priestess

Kathy Forest
High Priestess ~ Life Coach

Auburn Lily
Starseeded Priestess for the New Earth

Rev. Dhyāna Kluth
Holistic Healing Minister, Psychospiritual Counselor, Evolutionary Mystic, Author

Barbara Biziou
Spiritual Alignment Coach, Global Ritual Expert

Tara Preston
New Paradigm Feminine Leadership Guide

Becca Kannapell
Crystal Muse and Catalyst, Cofounder of POUND Jewelry

Catt Z
Founder of Cosmic Smash Booking

Lainie Love Dalby
Festival Host & Creatrix of the Sacred (R)evolution Oracle

Paola Ucelo
Transformation & Embodiment Artist

Jen Mazer
Queen of Manifestation

Veronica Iglesias
Priestess & Co-creator of the Jade Oracle

Elke Duerr
Interspecies communicator

Abiola Abrams
Hay House Author of the African Goddess Rising Oracle

Vandee Crane
Indigenous Survivor Leader/Author/Wellness Coach/Grassroots Organizer

Omo Obatala
Olorisha, Priestess of Obatala, Wise Elder and Culture Keeper

Bernadette Pleasant
Empress, Creator of The Emotional Institute & Femme

Elana Bell
Poet, Sound Priestess, Creative Alchemist

Creatrix & Temple Priestess

Marin Bach-Antonson
Magdalene Rose Priestess

Jocelyn Star Feather
Visibility & Thought Leadership coach, Spiritual Alchemist, & founder of Sacred Planet
This is a first of its kind festival & celebration!
Lainie Love Dalby, the cosmic creatrix of the new Sacred (R)evolution Oracle, teamed up with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy to gather a potent group of incredible thought leaders & visionaries who have each interpreted one of the 52 cards in the oracle and brought their own unique medicine and gifts to this first of it’s kind festival & celebration in both 2021 and 2023!
For each of the 5 sections of the Oracle deck, there's a guided healing journey with Lainie Love and then a series of explorations of the oracle cards in that section of the deck!
It's like a Multidimensional Academy filled with Transformational Content that you can use to totally TRANSFORM your life this year!
Here's the AMAZING medicine you'll receive with your Lifetime Access Festival Pass!
Re-member: Coming Home to the Body:
From 2023
Opening Ceremony & Healing Ritual to Come Home to the Body with Transformational Catalyst & Festival Host Lainie Love Dalby
Magdalena's as Scent Priestess Sacred Passage Guides with Scent Priestess Diana Dubrow
Shifting an Ancient Hatred to a Present Love Ceremony & Self Blessing with Multidimensional Shamanic Healer Lainie Love Dalby
Meditation to Clear & Balance the Root Chakra with Mary Magdalene Priestess Erika Santos
Sovereign Soul Foundations Masterclass with Holistic Healing Minister Dhyāna Kluth
3rd Eye Rhapsody with Priestess Of Ma'at Queen Auset-Heru
Ancient Future Qoya Inspired Movement Class with Qoya Founder Rochelle Schieck
I Love My Yoni Affirmations with Sexologist Marla Renee Stewart
Sekhmet Sex Magic Ritual Meditation with Coach & Priestess Ali Montgomery
THE NEUX AEON: Ontology, Emotion & the Future of Humanity with Trans Predictive Astrologer Marval Rex
Goddess Embodied Music Video with Ritual Embodiment Priestess Sedona Swan Soulfire
Rebirth 2023 Guided Activation with Emergent Astrologer Tami Brunk
From 202
- Sacred Art of Anointing Ritual with Bogar Argon Carillo
- Heal the Body Harm Moving Meditation and Sound Bath with Bernadette Pleasant
- Individual & Collective Root Healing Journey & Orgasmic Prayer Practice with Lainie Love Dalby
- Talk on Becoming the Medicine the World Needs with Vandee Crane
- A Channeling & Egg Cleansing Ritual with Omo Obatala
- The Spiritual Power of Eros - a ritual of dance and eros with Zahava Griss
- A Journey with the Priestess in the Mayan lineage with Veronica Igelsias
Re-wild: Coming Home to Mother Earth:
From 2023
Healing Ritual to REWILD & Come Home to the Earth with Transformational Catalyst & festival host Lainie Love Dalby
Unlock Ancestral Healing with the Superpower of Sisterhood with Nature Whisperer Krista Nelson
Mycelial Web Walker Journey and Ritual with Herbalist & Author Liz Neves
Nature Ritual for Grounding & Rebalancing with Alchemist Anna Bazarnaya
Messages of the Magical Underground & the Herkimer Diamond Matrix with cofounder of POUND Becca Kannapell
Thunder & Lightning Guided Meditation with Scent Priest & Healer Bogar Argon Carillo
Awakening Lemuria Within: Crystalline Water Code Activation with Starseed Priestess Auburn Lily
Fire Release Ritual & Ecstatic Movement with Multidimensional Shamanic Healer Lainie Love Dalby
Sacred Water Ritual for the Great Mother / Great Cosmic Womb with Caliente Creatrix Mercedes Vasquez
Dancing and Dialoguing with Death (while remembering Re-birth) with Catholic Priestess Erin Duffy Burke
You are whole. You are here. You are home. Video Training with Mentor & Guide Aurora Farber
From 2021
- Earth Star Chakra Meditation with Mercedes Vasquez
- Nature Reverence Ritual and a Retelling of the Lenape 4th Crow Prophecy with Krista Nelson
- Fall in love with yourself and ALL LIFE Video with Elke Duerr
- Oya and the Stars: The Galactic Frequency of Alchemy to Renew a World in Chaos with Jocelyn Star Feather
- Breathwork practice for the Sacred Rebels with Paola Ucelo
- Lemurian Water Codes A C T I V A T I O N with Marin Bach-Antonson
- You Matter Performance with Maya Azucena
- Story medicine: White Snake Woman and Medusa - Healing the Twin Within with Tami Brunk
Re-weave: Coming Home to our Human Family:
From 2023
Healing Ritual to Come Home to our Human Family with Multidimensional Shamanic Healer Lainie Love Dalby
The Power of the Sacred Circle & WHY We Gather Masterclass with the creatrix of the Advanced Sacred Circle Leader Certification Lainie Love Dalby
WARRIOR Music Performance with Grammy Award Winning Artist Maya Azucena
"Purity of Connection" Masterclass with Spiritual Empowerment Coach Beth Osmer
Personal Revolution - Opening The Cosmic Egg with the founder of Cosmic Smashbooking Catt Z
Haleakala Volcano Activation with Transformational Catalyst Lainie Love
The Female Body: The Most Powerful Shamanic Tool on the Planet! With Priestess & Coach Kathy Forest
Empower Your Message with Authentic Vulnerability with Publisher Astara Jane Ashley
NOTORIOUS RED WOMEN!!! with Founder Elayne Kalila Doughty
Fierce Feminine Fire Flow to Channel Sacred Rage with Ritual Embodiment Priestess Sedona Swan Soulfire
From 2021
- Installing Protection Light Shields & Crystal Grids MP3 & the Isis creation codes activation with Lainie Love
- Wield Your Fierce Sword of Discernment ACTIVATION with Aurora Farber
- Queen of Manifestation Hum Sa Meditation with Jen Mazer
- Wonder Painting Meditation with Whitney Freya
- Embracing the Unknown with Mama Jaguar Ritual with Tanya Lynn
Re-turn: Coming Home to the Web of All Life:
From 2023
Healing Ritual to Come Home to the Web of All Life with Festival Host Lainie Love Dalby
Guided Galactic Gaia Unity Meditation with Transformational Retreat Leader Lainie Love
Midwife the nü Earth with Soul Art founder Laura Hollick
Breathing the Cosmic Tree of Life - Sound and Breathwork Ceremony with Sacred Music Artist Ankhara Rose
Become the Tree of Life Meditation with Global Ritualist Barbara Biziou
Shamanic Journey to Encounter Your Power Animal with Multidimensional Shamanic Healer Lainie Love Dalby
Wavelengths Change Things! : Soulful Singalong Mantra to Boost Your Bandwidth with Songleader Lyndsey Scott
Liberate Your Feminine Soul With The Ancient Wisdom Of The Akashic Records with Leadership Mentor Tara Preston
Oracular Astrology of 2023 with Oracular Astrologer & festival host Lainie Love Dalby
Meditation to Meet Your Future Self with Intuitive Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg
Remember All Life is Sacred Channeled Message with Mystic Seadar Green
Rainbow Birth Portal Meditation with Lettie Sullivan
From 2021
- Your Soul’s Calling Collage Process & Galactic Gaia Unity Consciousness Meditation with Lainie Love Dalby
- Cultivating the Art of Multidimensional Living with Lettie Sullivan
- Channeled Sound Experience: The Light Web of Creation with Elana Bell
- Cosmic Cauldron of Wisdom Ceremony with Shannon LaMere
- Fairy Falls Crystal Skull Transmission with Crystal Focus Alchemy
- “Oshun’s Secrets” Workshop with Abiola Abrams
Re-birth: Coming home to your Authentic Star Power:
From 2023
Closing Ceremony & Healing Ritual to Come Home to Your Authentic Star Power with festival host Lainie Love Dalby
From Codependent to Partnership: Shifting to the Circle Paradigm with Visionary CEO Tanya Lynn
Embody Your Vision; A Movement Ritual to Awaken your Inner Wisdom with Transformational Embodiment Coach Hemalayaa Behl
Do What Matters Daily Morning Practice with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy founder Lainie Love Dalby
IGNITE Journey Dance with Toni Bergins
How To Awaken Your Inner-Artist & Live Your Creative Mission With Radiant Wildheart Author Sherren Sun
Breathing in the Energy of $$$$ Meditation with Master Teacher & Facilitator Lainie Love Dalby
Flight of the Feathered Serpent Shamanic Sound Journey and Shapeshifting Experience with Medicine Elder Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman
From 2021
- Rose Rebirth Ritual with A’magine Nation
- Sparkle SHAMELESSLY 101 Course with Lainie Love Dalby
PLUS 55 Free Gifts from our presenters!!
Get your limited edition copy of the Sacred (R)evolution Oracle Deck HERE before they sell out!

Abiola Abrams
The Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle is a powerful tool for healing, transformation and deep dives through the cosmos. Lainie Love Dalby is a beacon of transformational magic, beauty and wonder. The otherworldly, shamanic art and energy in this deck is a must for anyone in our community of lightworkers who wishes to expand their consciousness. Lainie herself is an Oracle — what a gift that she is sharing her spiritual oracular medicine with us. Each card in the deck is itself a temple.”